We’re 40 years strong in 2024!
We are where we are today because of your trust in the Foundation of Hope and your belief in our mission. This year, we mark our 40th anniversary of efforts to change the narrative around mental illness through scientific breakthroughs. For the past 40 years, we’ve been working diligently to improve our understanding and treatment of mental illness through innovative scientific research, by providing funding for cutting-edge grants to the brilliant minds that do this critical work.
To date, we have awarded over $9.4 million in research funding to the UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Psychiatry and $660,000 in community service grants, making huge strides in bringing HOPE to millions of individuals struggling with mental illnesses.
In the past year alone we’ve grown our Board, held our biggest events ever, expanded our donor base, launched a capital campaign for our Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Mood Disorders Research Program, highlighted stories of love and loss that follow mental illness, and touched thousands of lives. None of this would have been possible without your unwavering support.
Accomplishments of such magnitude deserve more than just a single day of celebration. That’s why we’re taking the entire year to commemorate the transformational impact we’ve made together over the last four decades as we share stories, photos, history, and more – because we’re just getting started!
Foundation of Hope 40th Impact Report & 2023 Overview
Strategic Plan
In 2019 we created a five-year strategic plan with three major goals in mind:
- Support the most promising early-stage scientific research for mental illness
- Support impactful mental health initiatives
- Become widely known as a leading supporter of mental illness research
To do this, we identified five core strategies that inform our growth.
Annual Reporting
Thank you for inspiring real change with your dedication and passion. We are incredibly fortunate to be a part of this enduring legacy and resilient organization. It’s our privilege to walk alongside you in this important work. If you have any questions about our financial reports or impact pieces, please feel free to contact us.
Non-Profit Status
The Foundation of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN / Federal Tax ID #56-6246626.