Our mission is to conquer mental illness by investing in groundbreaking scientific research and mental health initiatives.
Through our partnership with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Department of Psychiatry, the Foundation funds critical research focused on understanding the root causes of, and potential treatments for, mental illness. We are also committed to raising awareness and supporting effective treatment programs.
We are resolute in our belief that our mission is as relevant today as it was when Thad and Alice Eure began this journey in 1984.
Our vision is simple to state, yet grand in scope—we strive to eliminate suffering from mental illness.
- Scientific research is the key to finding effective and long-lasting treatments and cures for mental illness
- Mental illness adversely impacts individuals, families, friends and entire communities
- Stigma is one of the greatest barriers to improving outcomes of mental illness
- Early-stage scientific research creates exponential value
- Everyone with mental illness deserves successful treatment

Since its founding in 1984, the Foundation has awarded 197 scientific research grants totaling more than $9.4 million; these funds have leveraged an additional $254 million from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies.
The Foundation has also given $660,000 to 46 mental health initiatives, shoring up resources for local organizations who work directly with those suffering from mental illnesses in North Carolina.