
About Jennifer Gibson

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So far Jennifer Gibson has created 58 blog entries.
31 01, 2025


Nicole “It’s not your fault. You were the best part of me.” This was the text Nicole Spector received from her oldest son, Greyson, on March 26, 2020, moments before he ended his life by jumping from the 18th floor of a hotel. Greyson (Grey) Spector appeared to have it all. He was months away from graduating from Duke University and had just been accepted into Duke Law School. Nicole recalls Grey’s excitement when telling her, “I can’t believe I actually get to go there next year.” As the oldest of four, Grey was a role model to his younger brothers, who deeply adored and admired him. They always followed in his footsteps, whether it was learning an instrument, chess, lacrosse, or active debate. Because Grey did it, they did it. Despite being brilliant and [...]

31 01, 2025


Terry The Barber family’s world came crashing down on them on December 11, 2021, when Luke didn’t wake up. Ironically, on that same day, he had been planning to enter a residential treatment program. Things seemed to be turning around for Luke after years of an endless cycle of relapses. At 5:15am Luke texted his mother, Terry, to say, “Mom, I’m going to give this my best shot. I’m going to learn to love myself again.” But by 2:00pm — it was too late. From an early age, Luke wrestled with ADHD and severe anxiety, and was also later diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. But even his mom and close-knit siblings couldn’t see Luke’s daily battle, which engulfed him in darkness because he was an expert at masking his illness. Luke never met a stranger, and [...]

24 09, 2024


Annah “Start-up weekend, start-up weekend” … I can still see Jen standing in front of a room of 83 students getting them to chant “start-up… weekend” back and forth. We were getting my 4th and 5th grade students ready for 2 days of participating in their very own shark tank style design process. Over those two days Jen helped inspire innovation amongst 9-11 year olds and helped them learn the real world principles of entrepreneurship. Jen had such joy all over her face teaching these students how to come up with their own unique ideas. She taught them about the value of failure and group work, dreaming big, and believing in your ideas. When those kids were chanting start-up weekend they had no idea what they were even getting ready to do. But Jen was [...]

20 08, 2024


Dianna It was a Thursday night. I was wearing navy blue pajamas with peaches on them when I heard someone knocking on my front door. It was a loud knock, the kind you feel in your gut that you can't ignore. I immediately got up and opened the door and in front of me stood four police officers. I remember his voice as he asked, "Are you Dianna Wagoner?" and "Is Daniel Wagoner your husband?" As I replied yes, my eyes focused on their faces, and they held a look of somber respect that I will never forget. The very next sentence changed everything: "Ma'am I'm sorry to tell you your husband has passed away." I stood there for what felt like an hour staring at them. I only asked one question: "Are you absolutely [...]

3 05, 2024

Investigating Psychiatric Symptoms of Dementia | McElligott | $110,000

Investigating Psychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 2024 Award: $110,000 Psychiatric symptoms like agitation, aggression, disinhibition, and impulsivity, amongst others, are common psychiatric symptoms that may precede cognitive decline that is associated with dementia. This project uses a mouse model of dementia (the P301S tauopathy model) to mechanistically examine these psychiatric symptoms antecedent to cognitive decline. We hypothesize that we will observe differences in neurotransmission (both dopaminergic and glutamatergic) in these animals as compared to age matched controls. Furthermore, we expect to observe differences in responses to commonly prescribed psychiatric medications in these mice. By uncovering neural mechanisms impinged upon by tauopathy, we hope to aid in the discovery of biomarkers and development of therapies to alleviate the symptoms associated with dementia. Need/Problem: Behavioral and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (including but not limited to hyperactivity, agitation, mood disturbance, aggression) often precede [...]

3 05, 2024

Development of Individual Differences in Adolescent Brain Structure and Risk | Cohen, Gilmore | $150,989

Development of Individual Differences in Adolescent Brain Structure and Risk 2024 Award: $150,989 Executive function is a critical ability that leads to better life outcomes, while low levels of executive function are a risk factor for mental illness. Therefore, characterizing neurocognitive trajectories of executive function and how they relate to future mental illness is a public health imperative. The main goal of this proposal is to identify aspects of neurocognitive trajectories from birth that predict the emergence of symptoms of mental illness in emerging adulthood. This research will move us closer to developing strategies for early identification and intervention by characterizing when and how neurocognitive trajectories related to executive function diverge to indicate risk for future mental illness. Need/Problem: High levels of executive function are associated with greater educational attainment, job success, and overall quality of life, while low [...]

3 05, 2024

Written Exposure Therapy to Improve Recovery among Sexual Assault Survivors Expansion | McLean | $89,708

Written Exposure Therapy to Improve Recovery among Sexual Assault Survivors 2024 Award: $89,708 Nearly 700,000 US women are sexually assaulted each year. Half of these women continue to experience severe posttraumatic stress (PTSD) six months after assault. Despite the fact that women at increased risk of PTSD can be identified at the time of assault, no interventions to prevent PTSD among women at high risk are currently available. This pilot study tests the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a five-session telehealth intervention to prevent PTSD among women survivors of sexual assault who are at high risk of PTSD. Results from this study will provide the data necessary to obtain funding to perform a large-scale confirmatory trial. Need/Problem: Nearly 700,000 women in the United States are sexually assaulted each year, and 1 in 4 US women are sexually assaulted during [...]

3 05, 2024

Examining the effect of estradiol on mood symptoms during perimenopause through immune gene expression | Bondy | $44,745

Examining the effect of estradiol on mood symptoms during perimenopause through immune gene expression 2024 Award: $44,745 Depression can increase during the transition to menopause (“perimenopause”), and hormonal treatments can help alleviate depressive symptoms. However, the mechanisms of how these treatments work and who they work for remain unclear. In this study, we propose the immune system may play a critical role in depressive symptoms and their treatment. Need/Problem: Rates of depression rise during the transition to menopause (“perimenopause”). Hormone treatments with estradiol can be helpful, but they are not effective or feasible for everyone. More research is needed to understand how and why estradiol works to better inform novel treatment approaches. Grant Summary: We will study expression of immune-related genes in a sample of perimenopausal women with depressive symptoms before and after three weeks of estradiol treatment or [...]

3 05, 2024

Increasing Access to Evidence-Based Therapy for Perinatal Women: A Novel App-Based Approach | Schiller | $64,840

Increasing Access to Evidence-Based Therapy for Perinatal Women: A Novel App-Based Approach 2024 Award: $64,840 Perinatal depression affects 1.4M Americans each year and is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, yet only 7% of those with perinatal depression are diagnosed and treated effectively. Barriers to high-quality, evidence-based care are too high. We have created an new, internet-based behavior therapy app to overcome barriers to care, but we need to determine whether it works to treat depression and whether women find the app usable and relevant to their care. In this study, we will test the efficacy, acceptability, and feasibility of this new behavior therapy app. Identifying a population-level, cost-effective, evidence-based behavioral approach to treating perinatal depression would reduce the global burden of illness and improve the lives of women and their children. Need/Problem: Perinatal depression affects 1.4M [...]

3 05, 2024

Identifying Novel Biological Profiles of Early Risk and Intervention for Mood Disorders in Adolescents: Mapping Stress-Responsive Changes in Electrocortical Indices in Adolescent Anhedonia | Feurer, Belger, Roubinov | $74,802

Identifying Novel Biological Profiles of Early Risk and Intervention for Mood Disorders in Adolescents: Mapping Stress-Responsive Changes in Electrocortical Indices in Adolescent Anhedonia 2024 Award: $74,802 Research shows that interpersonal stress increases risk for anhedonia, yet, not all adolescents who are exposed to interpersonal stress go on to experience anhedonia. Therefore, there is a critical need to understand which youth are most likely to experience anhedonia in the context of interpersonal stress. This study will integrate neural and physiological assessments to create novel biological profiles of stress responsivity and will examine whether these profiles can be used to predict adolescent anhedonia. Findings will serve as pilot data for future grants leveraging these biological profiles to improve early risk detection and treatment of adolescent anhedonia. Need/Problem: Anhedonia, the inability to experience or anticipate pleasure, is a core depression symptom that [...]