
9 05, 2022

Network Neuroscience of a Novel Brief Intervention for Stress and Depression Symptoms in College Students | Zhang & Schwippel | $41,080

Network Neuroscience of a Novel Brief Intervention for Stress and Depression Symptoms in College Students 2022 Award: $41,080 College students constantly experience stress, which may lead to various mental health problems. Psychosocial interventions are effective treatments, while the neural mechanisms underlying their therapeutic benefits remain unclear. In this study, we will record the brain activities of the client and the therapist simultaneously during the intervention. We will examine how synchronized brain activities between the client and the therapist may help explain the therapeutic benefits of psychosocial interventions. Need/Problem: The vast majority of college students experience a high level of stress arising from academic pressure, monetary concerns, and newly gained responsibilities as young adults. Stress-related symptoms include anxiety, sleeping problems, difficulties concentrating, and a low mood. Those symptoms might persist and develop into mental disorders like depression, thus reducing the [...]

4 05, 2022

Biomarkers of Systemic Inflammation in Alcohol Use Disorder | Morrow | $98,500

Biomarkers of Systemic Inflammation in Alcohol Use Disorder2022 Award: $98,500Studies of post-mortem brains of people who suffered from Alcohol Use Disorders show abnormal activation of inflammatory immune signals that are proposed to underlie addiction to alcohol. We propose to determine if serum levels of inflammatory markers are biomarkers of excessive alcohol drinking. Such a biomarker could provide a useful diagnostic tool and indicate if patients might respond to novel treatments that inhibit the same inflammatory pathways. We will test this idea in men and women who meet criteria for AUD in hopes of discovering a biomarker of AUD drinking severity and to facilitate study of new ways to treat alcohol use disorders.Need/Problem: The burden of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) in our society is greater than any other addictive drug, but, there is no reliable diagnostic biomarker of heavy drinking or [...]

4 05, 2022

Circuit-level investigation of global hypoconnectivity in the sensory neocortex of a mouse model for autism | Kato | $40,092

Circuit-level investigation of global hypoconnectivity in the sensory neocortex of a mouse model for autism 2022 Award: $40,092 In addition to the well-known social communication difficulties, autistic patients frequently suffer from sensory processing problems, such as sensory overload. In this project, we will investigate neural circuit alterations that affect sensory responses, using a preclinical mouse model for autism. Findings in the simple mouse brain should provide a first step toward understanding circuit mechanisms underlying broad sensory symptoms in autistic patients. Need/Problem: Atypical behavioral responses to sensory inputs, such as sensory overload and hypersensitivity, are observed in around 90% of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) patients, and developing treatments for this is critically needed to reduce the burden on patients and their families. Grant Summary: To identify the circuit alterations causing sensory processing problems in ASD, we will focus on a preclinical [...]

26 05, 2021

Co-occurrence of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and Feeding and Eating Disorders in Adolescence: Prevalence, Complications, and Clinical Management | Matherne | $40,396

Co-occurrence of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and Feeding and Eating Disorders in Adolescence: Prevalence, Complications, and Clinical Management 2021 Award: $40,396 A body of research is emerging that links Feeding and Eating Disorders (FEDs) to adults with Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI). Surprisingly, very little research has been conducted on FEDs among adolescents with DGBI. In this project, we will estimate the prevalence and identify psychiatric comorbidities and health-related symptoms of FEDs in a clinical sample of adolescents with DGBI. Data derived from the study will inform novel treatments for youth with co-occurring DGBI/FEDs that are expected to be mutually beneficial to improving patient outcomes across both fields. Need/Problem: Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) involve impairing gastrointestinal symptoms occurring due to miscommunication between the gut and the brain. DGBI affect 1 in 4 youth in the community and > [...]

24 05, 2021

Striatum-Targeted Anhedonia Rapid Treatment (START): a novel transcranial magnetic stimulation paradigm for treating symptoms of anhedonia in depression | Riddle | $38,280

Striatum-Targeted Anhedonia Rapid Treatment (START): a novel transcranial magnetic stimulation paradigm for treating symptoms of anhedonia in depression 2021 Award: $38,280 Anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure, is notoriously difficult to treat and predicts suicide risk. Thus, novel treatment paradigms are required to address this critical need in psychiatry. In a randomized clinical trial, we investigate a novel treatment paradigm and contribute to scientific knowledge of the neural basis of anhedonia. Need/Problem: Anhedonia, or the inability to experience pleasure, is a core symptom of major depressive disorder that predicts suicide risk and can be exacerbated by some treatments. Symptoms of anhedonia are notoriously difficult to treat, so novel interventions and a better understanding of the neural basis of anhedonia are required. Grant Summary: Patients with major depressive disorder and high symptoms of anhedonia will be recruited to participate in [...]

24 05, 2021

Monitoring Affective State Change with Wearable Technology: Assessing Physiological and Behavioral Mechanisms in Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder | Prim | $40,000

Monitoring Affective State Change with Wearable Technology: Assessing Physiological and Behavioral Mechanisms in Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 2021 Award: $40,000 Real-time monitoring during the transition in to or out of depression (affective state change) is an important precursor to providing targeted interventions to reduce high-risk periods of suicide and early detection and treatment for depression relapse. In this project, we capitalize on widely used wearable technology that can passively collect such real-time data including variables known to be associated with affective state change. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) provides a depression model with monthly switching of affective state. Establishing the physiological variables related to mood transition in PMDD is a first critical step in identifying mechanisms of risk for depression and suicide to develop a prediction model that may be applied to other mental health conditions. Need/Problem: Depression rates are continuing [...]

24 05, 2021

The Comorbidity of Depression and Cardiovascular Disease in Midlife Women: Investigating novel biological pathways of risk | Nathan | $39,617

The Comorbidity of Depression and Cardiovascular Disease in Midlife Women: Investigating novel biological pathways of risk 2021 Award: $39,617 The risk for developing depression and cardiovascular disease increases significantly in midlife women and this combination of illnesses is a leading cause of disability in this population.  Disruption in the physiological pathways involved in stress response may underlie the connection between these illnesses, though this has not been fully studied. The primary objective of this proposal is to examine whether dysfunction in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and autonomic nervous system pathways may be a mechanistic link underlying the association between depression and cardiovascular disease in women. Need/Problem: Depression and cardiovascular disease (CVD) contribute significantly to the morbidity and mortality of women. About 20% of women are impacted by this comorbidity, which is also the leading cause of disability in women worldwide. The [...]

13 05, 2021

A Pilot Study of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Treatment-Resistant Depression: acute changes, duration of effect and predictors of response | McClure | $101,078

A Pilot Study of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Treatment-Resistant Depression: acute changes, duration of effect and predictors of response 2021 Award: $101,078 Treatment Resistance in Major Depressive Disorder (TRD) is a common and serious condition with limited therapies available.  Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy (PAT) is a new treatment that may be an effective antidepressant.  We will perform an open-label trial of PAT in TRD to measure acute changes in depressive symptoms after two PAT sessions. We will determine if the improvement in depression persists for four and eight weeks.  We will assess if response continues 6, 8 and 12 months after treatment.   We will determine predictors of acute response and longer duration of effect.  This will: establish feasibility and provide pilot date for larger clinical trial; estimate efficacy in reducing depressive symptoms; determine duration of effect, and; identify predictors of response. Need/Problem: [...]

12 05, 2021

Developing and Evaluating a Computable Phenotype for Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia | Zeng | $41,302

Developing and Evaluating a Computable Phenotype for Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia 2021 Award: $41,302 Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia affects about 30% of Schizophrenia patients. Reliable identification of TRS patients within an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system will improve patient care and enhance clinical research. We will develop a computable phenotyping algorithm by combining several information technologies to characterize TRS patients from an EHR system. Need/Problem: Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia (TRS) affects about 30% of schizophrenia patients. However, the utilization rate of clozapine, the only approved antipsychotic for TRS, remains low. Characterization of TRS patients from Electronic Health Records will facilitate early detection of TRS patients and subsequently increase the use of clozapine. Grant Summary: We will use an array of information technologies (database query, temporal medication mining, and natural language processing) to develop an algorithm that could quickly characterize TRS patients in an Electronic Health [...]

19 06, 2020

Depression in the Menopause Transition: Stress and Inflammation as Pathways of Risk | Fiacco | $31,107

Depression in the Menopause Transition: Stress and inflammation as pathways of risk 2020 Award: $31,107 In the transition to menopause (perimenopause), depressive symptoms are very common and there is a 2-4 fold increased risk to develop Major Depression (MDD) when compared to the premenopausal stage. Erratic changes in ovarian steroid hormones including estradiol (E2) seem to increase the risk for MDD, especially in women who have experienced recent life stress (e.g., divorce, death of loved one). So far, the precise biological pathways by which high E2 variability and stress lead to MDD are poorly understood. With this project, we will investigate pro-inflammatory processes as one potential pathway of risk. Need/Problem: The menopausal transition is associated with a 2-4 fold increase in risk for major depression (MDD) and other inflammatory diseases, substantial psychosocial stress, and a dynamic ovarian endocrine environment with significant [...]