In addition to the millions of dollars the Foundation of Hope has awarded in research grants, we also recognize the need to support mental health treatment at ground level. For that reason, we have awarded over $690,000 to 47 local mental health initiatives, equipping grassroots organizations with the means to improve the lives of our neighbors in need.

Our Signature Grantee: UNC Multidisciplinary Child Psychiatry Collaborative

While funding research continues to be our primary mission, the Foundation of Hope is taking steps to support effective mental health initiatives, and in so doing, raise community awareness of mental illness. Our “signature grant” focuses exclusively on young people and their mental health.

The Foundation of Hope chose the UNC Multidisciplinary Child Psychiatry Collaborative (formerly UNC Psychiatry Pediatric Behavior Clinic) as our signature grant recipient and has awarded $341,850 to the clinic since 2013.

We have long applauded their unique, multi-fold approach to family health services as they provide comprehensive direct mental health services to underserved children and families as well as provide a training program for mental health professionals.

Finally, the clinic offers psychiatric consultative services to the area’s mental health system, as well as hospital- and community-based providers for children with complex mental health problems.

The UNC Multidisciplinary Child Psychiatry Collaborative recognizes the importance of family, school and community, and aids each child’s full potential by addressing their emotional, physical, intellectual, cultural and social needs. The weekly outpatient clinic provides care to over 100 children and their families; with Foundation funding, that number will only increase!

Heroes for Hope

As a leader in our local and mental health initiatives, the Foundation of Hope is committed to funding several community organizations focused on mental illness in children, adolescents, women and families. Each year, we highlight several of these groups for their extraordinary efforts on behalf of our most vulnerable neighbors.


Vets to Vets United
Vets to Vets United pairs rescued dogs with wounded military veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, depression or other mental illness. In 2019, their grant was used to hire two additional professional trainers as well as rescue and train seven additional dogs to pair with seven additional veterans. That’s fourteen lives changed. Fourteen lives saved. And it’s all thanks to you.

UNC Psychiatry Pediatric Behavior Clinic
In addition to their ongoing funding as our Signature Grantee, in 2019 an additional grant was awarded to create a clinical training program for early-career child psychologists and social workers. The first participant of this program, a child psychologist, provides direct care to children and families through evaluations, testing and consultation, and supportive parent and child therapy, all in coordination with community mental health and primary care services.


Wellness on Wheels (WOW)
Wellness on Wheels is an innovative mobile health clinic serving North Carolinians who face serious mental health challenges, and who deserve the compassionate, thorough care they may not otherwise receive.

A collaboration between the UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health and the UNC School of Nursing, Wellness on Wheels will provide basic health screenings throughout the Triangle. Mobile health clinics reduce geographical, psychological, and financial barriers to healthcare for people who lack transportation and access to comprehensive psychiatric treatment and basic medical care.


Vets to Vets United
Vets to Vets United pairs rescued dogs with wounded military veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, depression or other mental illness. In 2017, their grant was used to rescue and train four additional dogs to pair with four additional veterans. That’s eight lives changed. Eight lives saved. And it’s thanks to you.

The Chris White Fund
The Chris White Fund provides professional therapeutic and psychological services to severe burn victims dealing with the aftermath of disaster at the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center at UNC-Chapel Hill. The funds we raise will help support the Burn Center’s outreach and mental health services.

Filling in Gaps (F.I.G.S.) gives prescription drug assistance and transportation to low-income, uninsured and underinsured Wake County residents. The funding we provide will enable F.I.G.S. to purchase more medicines in bulk, raising the amount of medicine they can provide while lowering the cost of each prescription.