Eating Disorders

3 05, 2024

Addressing an Urgent Need: Developing and Disseminating a Brief Eating Disorders Intervention for Primary Care (FAST-ED) | Pisetsky | $99,001

Addressing an Urgent Need: Developing and Disseminating a Brief Eating Disorders Intervention for Primary Care (FAST-ED) 2024 Award: $99,001 Eating disorders effect approximately 10% of the population, but many individuals with eating disorders experience many barriers to accessing treatment, including unacceptably long waitlists at specialty care settings. The average delay between onset of the eating disorder and accessing treatment is over 5 years. The goal of this study is to develop and test a treatment for adolescents with eating disorders that is designed to be used in primary care settings and delivered by generalist mental health providers. By increasing access to treatment at the point of detection, we will be able to transform care delivery and improve youth mental health across NC. Need/Problem: Eating disorders effect approximately 10% of the population and have a high mortality rate, but current [...]

26 05, 2021

Co-occurrence of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and Feeding and Eating Disorders in Adolescence: Prevalence, Complications, and Clinical Management | Matherne | $40,396

Co-occurrence of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and Feeding and Eating Disorders in Adolescence: Prevalence, Complications, and Clinical Management 2021 Award: $40,396 A body of research is emerging that links Feeding and Eating Disorders (FEDs) to adults with Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI). Surprisingly, very little research has been conducted on FEDs among adolescents with DGBI. In this project, we will estimate the prevalence and identify psychiatric comorbidities and health-related symptoms of FEDs in a clinical sample of adolescents with DGBI. Data derived from the study will inform novel treatments for youth with co-occurring DGBI/FEDs that are expected to be mutually beneficial to improving patient outcomes across both fields. Need/Problem: Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) involve impairing gastrointestinal symptoms occurring due to miscommunication between the gut and the brain. DGBI affect 1 in 4 youth in the community and > [...]

9 07, 2018

Predicting the Trajectory of Restrictive Eating in Childhood from Genetic Risk for Anorexia Nervosa | Watson & Bulik | $45,000

Predicting the Trajectory of Restrictive Eating in Childhood from Genetic Risk for Anorexia Nervosa 2016 Award: $45,000 Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness, and is also extremely difficult to treat—treatment typically relies on supportive therapy, with no actual medications designed to target the core biology of the illness. “Picky eating” in childhood can be a warning that anorexia will develop later in adulthood, but little is known about the genetic reasons for this behavior. This project will comb the comprehensive, long-term Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study for genetic and/or environmental clues that point to restrictive eating behavior, with the ultimate goal of preventing this devastating illness in its earliest stages. Need/Problem: Restrictive or picky eating in childhood has been associated with risk for anorexia nervosa, a serious and perplexing psychiatric disorder. Our recent [...]